3 Football Websites Seeking Freelance Writers

Inside Football Media
2 min readAug 22, 2022


Photo by Travel Nomades on Unsplash

In our weekly newsletter, we have a section listing a host of football publications/websites that are regularly looking for contributors. Worth noting all the websites listed pay their freelance writers. We are constantly adding to this section, which is great for the football writing space!

Here are three of those publications …

When Saturday Comes

WSC is an independent British football magazine launched back in 1986. They have created and published a brilliant and detailed guide on how to pitch to them. Below is some copy taken from the same guide.

“We welcome pitches from anyone. Throughout its history WSC has published early articles by now-established writers such as David Conn, Barney Ronay and Harry Pearson. We are also happy to publish work by amateur writers, young and student journalists, and fans who just feel they have something to say — because nobody knows their clubs as well as the fans. Our aim is that WSC mixes the work of seasoned journalists with amateur writers, and often gives them the same amount of space to tell their stories”.

The Online Rule

The Online Rule is a publication focused on the marketing aspects of the game. We interviewed the editor, Scott Goodacre, earlier this year. Scott provided us with some great tips and insight in to his freelancing career.

“The Online Rule is looking for pitches around sports marketing. These could take the form of interviews with marketing staff at football clubs, longer features on how teams are engaging fans online, or opinion pieces on the next big technological breakthrough that’s coming to football. We look to commission 2–3 pieces each month”.

The Set Pieces

Online football publication, The Set Pieces, are always open to new ideas. To give yourself a better chance of successfully pitching, read our interview with editor, Chris Evans. We asked Chris what makes a good pitch.

“We’re always on the look out for fresh ideas at The Set Pieces and would love to hear from any journalists who have a great story to tell. If you have any ideas that might float our boat, get in touch.”

Sign up to the Freelance Football Opportunities newsletter to receive freelance football work directly in to your inbox every week: www.freelancefootballopps.com.

